Marina Lazaris


In Your Personal Life?

Personal Coaching

“How do you live a fulfilled life and attract the love you deserve? It’s about who you’re being, not what you’re doing.”

I see you, over-achiever.

You spend all of your energy pouring into others and have every other area of your life figured out. But your love life? Yikes…

You’ve tried just about everything to mirror in your personal life the same success and fulfilment you’ve accomplished in your professional life. Gym memberships, pay-to-play dating apps, high-tech smoothie mixers…you name it. And honestly, I don’t blame you. I tried it all, too.

Just when you’ve got the career locked and loaded, life’s got a funny way of making you navigate fear, dissatisfaction, resilience and change on the personal front. It’s tiring. It feels like you’re really in the trenches, a long way from any kind of fulfilment. And if a smoothie mixer makes us feel we’ve got things just a little more ‘together’, so be it! That said, we both know that’s not actually going to solve our struggles.

So, what does the real solution look like?

When it comes to being magnetic in your personal relationships, it’s about far more than just attracting your ‘perfect match’.

We put you back in the driver’s seat of your life, armed with an understanding of how to tackle relationships in a way that brings you maximum fulfilment and a newfound sense of freedom. That means:

  • A healthy, secure relationship with yourself
  • Reignited platonic & romantic relationships within your circle
  • A life led by emotional intelligence and the core values that make you tick.

Who do I work with?

Personal coaching is designed to help vibrant, successful creatives find peace amongst the chaos. But, the journey from turmoil to triumph is not or everyone. I’m only the right coach for you if you are:

Question is: Have you already counted yourself out? Or are you my kind of person?

If you’re still reading, then we’re definitely on the same wavelength.

How does it work?

  • Full or half-day intensive session – no need for months of ‘unpacking’.
  • 1:1 delivery – completely personalised experience that ignites your full emotional range and realigns you with your core values.
  • Proprietary coaching method – integrates subconscious reset, systematic coaching, acting and psychology.
  • Topics covered during coaching are tailored to the individual, but example areas can include:
  • Love & relationships
  • Life transitions
  • Health & wellbeing

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